Our firm is 100% woman-owned, representing the Gen X and Gen Z generations, white and Chicana/Tejana backgrounds, ally and queer identities, and celebrates many diverse walks of life. Our lived experiences and professional journeys inform our values and approach to the work we do.

In addition, Rowan Strategies frequently partners with values-aligned facilitators, coaches, and consultants to deliver individualized services based on each client’s needs.

Our Team

Jen Pihlaja

Jen Pihlaja is the founder of Rowan Strategies – a facilitation, strategic consulting, leadership development and coaching practice.  Rooted in her decades of leadership experience, Jen is deeply committed to shifting the way we approach professional development –  ensuring people feel more resilient, confident, and sustained in their work. As a coach, she is passionate about creating structure and space for people, to bring their best-selves and strengths to all of the work that they are doing.  

Jen enjoys working with leaders at all stages, from new managers to senior leadership and partnering with other consultants and facilitators to collaborate on strategic consulting and training projects.  She brings a genuine appreciation for the privilege and responsibility clients entrusted to her, while offering challenges and requests that stretch leaders.  Jen is continually investing in developing and honing skills that will enhance her work.

In 2019, Jen founded and ran the pilot programs for the Blue Leadership Collaborative, a paid training and professional development project focused on retaining women and people of color in campaign management roles.  She previously co-founded and was the managing partner of McKenna Pihlaja, a woman-owned media firm, focusing on campaign messaging and storytelling.  Jen has run races, worked in political leadership at EMILY’s List and the DCCC, and done a whole lot of other things over the last 25 years.  Most importantly to her, Jen has been a trainer, mentor and advocate throughout her career.  

She has been a trainer and guest lecturer at several organizations, including American University’s Institute for Women and Politics, GW's Graduate School of Political Management, EMILY's List, the DCCC, Emerge Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, Arena, Women in Film and Video, the International Progressive Campaign Forum (IPCF), UK and AUS Labour Party, Campaign Tech Forum, and C&E Magazine.

Jen lives in Washington DC with her husband, two dogs and an unruly row house garden – but will tell you quickly she remains a proud Midwesterner. 

Alexia Hernandez

Alexia Hernandez is the Coordinator at Rowan Strategies, where she provides operational coordination for the company and logistical support for client engagements. Previously, she was a fellowship coach and social media manager for Progressive Pipeline, an organization that places underrepresented candidates at social change groups while offering the training, mentorship, and connections they need to become tomorrow’s leaders. She previously worked as a Field Organizer for Georgia Democrats in 2020, working to flip the state blue in the general election and helping to secure re-election for the Lucy McBath for Congress campaign.

Alexia is an experienced grassroots community organizer, fighting for housing justice and racial equity, helping to run a mutual aid program in her free time, and has a special interest in Tejano culture and community engagement. Alexia lives in Houston, Texas (and proudly represents the “Dirty South”) with her tabby cat.