Our Services

The services offered by Rowan Strategies differ according to our clients needs — the constant is that we always strive to be a part of curious groups, conversations that matter, and courageous moments.


We recognize that the work can be rewarding and celebratory, while moments of challenge and complexity often emerge. We are committed to helping people and teams navigate complex issues and achieve meaningful change through our unique approach — through a range of facilitation services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of teams and organizations.

The role of a facilitator is to act as a neutral third party to lead disparate opinions to ensure everyone is heard.  Facilitation serves as a powerful catalyst for the evolution of groups, ideas, and movements.  We ensure your meetings are designed to provide an optimal environment to generate and move ideas from concept to execution — through increased team cohesion, bringing more voices to the conversation, and generating new ideas. 

We have worked with a wide range of organizations, from grassroots organizations to national campaigns, and have helped them achieve meaningful change through effective facilitation.

Our facilitation services are designed to help groups build consensus, develop strategies, and achieve their goals through effective communication and collaboration.  From designing an all-team retreat, to facilitating specific sessions, to providing logistical and on-site support,  your gathering will be designed to best serve your needs.

Our approach to facilitation is based on the principles of design, while engaging defined stakeholders and partners in the work – ideally leading to an inclusive and empowering engagement.   We work closely with organizations to understand their unique needs and develop customized facilitation services that are aligned with their goals. We believe in the power of collaboration and strive to create a safe and inclusive space where all voices are heard and valued.


Jen is passionate about creating structure and space for people to bring their best selves to all of the work that they are doing. She works with individuals and groups to help them discover their unique super powers. When forging a coaching relationship with Jen, clients can expect growth via expanded self-awareness, individualized attention and focus on their unique needs, space to expand their thinking and perspective, practice and practical application facing challenges, and applying new self-discoveries into real-world scenarios, how they interact with others, and navigate their professional and personal life.

As a Gallup Global Strengths Coach, one of the approaches that Jen utilizes is the CliftonStrengths talent assessment —which involves completing an online talent assessment, in order to discover what you naturally do best, learn how to develop your greatest talents into strengths, and use your personalized results and reports to maximize your potential. The assessment measures your talents — your natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving — and categorizes them into the 34 CliftonStrengths themes.

As your coach, Jen will work with your customized CliftonStrengths report to help you chart your course to accomplish great things using the true north of what you naturally do best. Topics in coaching may include: 

  • Discussing strategies accomplish what’s most important to you

  • Using your strengths to overcome obstacles

  • How to lead your teams to succeed using CliftonStrengths 

  • Empowering managerial skills to lead to higher team performance

Strategic Consulting

For the past 25 years, Jen has worked in the political, media, and non-profit sectors. In her time guiding advocacy groups, political organizations, and businesses, Jen has provided counsel for national, state, and local campaigns, large-scale program development, and management strategy. You can confidently come to her for consulting guidance knowing that she will draw from her experience, network, and commitment to lifelong learning to maximize the capacity of your team and exceed your goals.

Jen works closely with organizations to understand and identify their unique strengths and goals. We then develop customized strategies and action plans that are tailored to each organization's specific needs and objectives, in the lens of our dynamic and ever-evolving national and global landscape.

Our scope include:

  • Strategic planning: We help organizations develop long-term strategies for achieving their goals, taking into account their resources, capabilities, and the competitive landscape.

  • Campaign or program management: We provide guidance and support for organizations running campaigns or like-entities, including developing campaign strategies, managing budgets, and providing ongoing leadership and/or support.

Our approach is collaborative and results-driven. We work closely with our clients to ensure that our strategies are grounded in holistic methodologies, and we provide ongoing support and guidance to help organizations achieve their goals. We are committed to helping organizations achieve their full potential.

Leadership Development & Training

At Rowan Strategies, we are passionate about developing leaders and maximizing team potential through leadership development. Leadership development focuses on honing specific skills required to effectively lead and develop your team, while coaching can focus on an organization, a team, or an individual’s growth. Jen’s personalized training content and coaching perspective transforms lives and careers for the better. We are dedicated to helping you and your organization through our leadership development and coaching programs.

We understand that leadership development is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning and growth. That's why we offer tailored programs that are designed to meet the specific needs of your organization, including topics such as conflict management, or management skills, and more. Our programs are designed to empower your leaders with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to inspire and motivate their teams to achieve their goals.

In addition to our leadership development programs, we offer CliftonStrengths team workshops that are designed to help your teams better understand themselves and each other. We help your team members identify their unique talents and develop strategies to leverage those talents for maximum effectiveness. By understanding each other's strengths, your team will be better equipped to collaborate and achieve success together.